The Purposeful Pen
The Purposeful Pen Podcast
Episode 67: Finding Writing Clarity with Carla H. Hayden

Episode 67: Finding Writing Clarity with Carla H. Hayden

Working as writers, we're usually our own boss, which can be great or not so great. We get to make all the decisions! But we have to make all the decisions... It can be really overwhelming.

In this episode, I talk with Carla H. Hayden, a.k.a. “Clarity Carla”, about finding clarity in our decision-making and leading ourselves well. You’ll come away with some practical tools and questions to ask yourself when deciding what’s next with your writing, whether you see it as a hobby, a business, or something in between.

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About Carla:

Carla H. Hayden is passionate about raising up the next generation of women leaders for the Kingdom of conversation at a time.

As a Maturity Mentor, Carla uses group mentoring and 1:1 clarity sessions - affectionately referred to as “Mentoring with Mama” and “Coffee with Carla” - to lead, guide, and mentor younger women - whether young in age or young in stage - in their personal, professional, and spiritual development.

As a Marketplace Shepherd, Carla works with early stage entrepreneurs, business owners, and executive leadership teams to provide them with the tools, encouragement, and support they need to move from a current state of chaos and dysfunction to their desired future state of order and health in their business.

Born and raised in San Francisco, CA, Carla and her family have called Indianapolis, IN home for the last 25 years. Among her hobbies, she loves connecting with people over coffee or cocktails, photo-journaling snippets of her story, and traveling locally and abroad. She is a healthy Enneagram 8, contributes her Working Geniuses of Discernment and Tenacity to every project she puts her hands to, and unashamedly declares that Gifts and Words of Affirmation are at the top of her Love Languages list.

You can connect with her on Instagram (@coffee_with_carla), LinkedIn (@Carla H. Hayden), or visit her website at

You can also follow her on Swellcast (@coffeewithcarla), where she uses this micro-podcasting space to mentor you with a mama’s heart and disciple you with the truth of God’s Word through permission slips, practical tips, and prayers.

She has also offered a free decision-making guide for podcast listeners.

The Purposeful Pen is a weekly podcast for Christian writers designed to help you build a writing life with eternal impact. Each week you’ll hear practical tips and Biblical truth on topics such as improving your writing, honing your message, and managing your time. I always respond to listener emails and I’d love to hear from you!

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The Purposeful Pen
The Purposeful Pen Podcast
Are you a Christian writer who is trying to figure out your next steps in communicating the message God has given you? Or maybe you love to write, but you aren't sure what exactly is the message you have to offer others or who needs to hear what you have to say. In this podcast for Christian writers, you'll hear a mix of practical help and Biblical truth to help you build a writing life with eternal impact.