The Purposeful Pen
The Purposeful Pen Podcast
Episode 65: Writing Through Chronic Illness with Glenna Marshall

Episode 65: Writing Through Chronic Illness with Glenna Marshall

Are you a writer who struggles with chronic illness and wonders how to find the time and energy to write?

Or perhaps you wear many hats and aren’t sure how to juggle them all while still writing.

In this interview with author and speaker, Glenna Marshall, you’ll hear practical tips on managing your time and energy, whether you write through chronic illness or simply a busy schedule.

We also talk about:

  • ways to grow your email list

  • what publishers are looking for other than your platform

Glenna Marshall is married to her pastor, William, and is the mom of two sons. She and her family live and serve in rural Southeast Missouri. She is the author of The Promise is His Presence, Everyday Faithfulness, and Memorizing Scripture. You can connect with her on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and her blog.

The Purposeful Pen is a weekly podcast for Christian writers designed to help you build a writing life with eternal impact. Each week you’ll hear practical tips and Biblical truth on topics such as improving your writing, honing your message, and managing your time. I always respond to listener emails and I’d love to hear from you!

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The Purposeful Pen
The Purposeful Pen Podcast
Are you a Christian writer who is trying to figure out your next steps in communicating the message God has given you? Or maybe you love to write, but you aren't sure what exactly is the message you have to offer others or who needs to hear what you have to say. In this podcast for Christian writers, you'll hear a mix of practical help and Biblical truth to help you build a writing life with eternal impact.